Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

Jesus has NEVER been portrayed as blonde hair with blue eyes. Where do you people pull this lie from?

Sure, perhaps he should have darker skin, but that is it.

Every portrayal of Jesus I have ever seen show him with brown hair and brown eyes. Even Southpark (who would jump at such an opportunity) portrays him as brown hair with brown eyes.

So, where do you people come up with that? Do you think spreading that lie really helps your cause?

Just because the democratic national convention makes something up does not mean its true!

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

Clearly Jesus was a Jew and did not look that way. At the time of great evangelism in the world the individuals spreading the gospel imagined a God that looked like them and thus those popular images you see. It does not matter what color He is or was He died to save us from sin and hell and that is all that matters. He could of been purple I am just thankful for His endless love.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?


Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

Perhaps from the movies.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

The blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus is a marketing tool for Black Muslims who want to portray Christianity as a "White religion."

They also want to portray Jesus as an African, even though he was a Jew.

I've never understood Black Islam. Its one of the most logically inane branches of monotheism.


Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

There are some depictions in pre-Renaissance art of blond hair/blue-eyed Jesuses.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

It's called artistic convention. As anybody who has studied humanities will tell you artists reflect the values and prejudices of the society in which they live so European artists portrayed biblical figures as Europeans.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

White supremacists!

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

Who says Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes? all the pictures I see of him has him with brown hair and brown eyes. Kinda like me. I sometimmes have nut cases come up to me thinking I am Jesus. Sure I have long hair and a beard and dark eyes, but I wear glasses.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

There are images of Christ in China where he looks Chinese. Misssionaries choose the good marketing tactic of presenting him in a way that would appeal to locals.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

every races and nation invents JESUS in their own image.

The black race goes to the bible which says that God said "I am Black" and prove that God is black and supreme.

They also go to the book of revelation and point at the verse which describe his hair as white as wool and his feet as tan as bronze.

I have seen an image of christ with a caucasion color of skin and dark brown beard. Was it jesus? I am not sure. but truly in the dream, i was calling and searching for Jesus and this person appears. When he appeared So did many people suddenly appear and were gathered by him. One different interpretation is that this personage I saw was just an angel who was harvesting souls.

So it is like an example for people to see things and angels and come to wrong conclusions.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

You are way to intense. All the blond hair blue eyed stuff is created by the Germans. Remember the supposedly perfect race that Hitler wanted.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

Where does people get he is black? Jesus was a Jew so he was neither white nor black. More white I guess you can say. A person would have to back to that time period and where he was raised to know what the people looked like and what color hair he most likely had and so on. Jews I think have olive color skin, and the parts that was exposed to the sun I am sure was darker.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

From your obvious tolerance

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

What are you talking about? You gotta get out more. I've been watching "Jesus" movies for ages and here's 4 off the top of my head:

"King of Kings" JC was played by an English guy (Werner) blondish %26amp; very light-eye (it was a B%26amp;W file - 1927)

The remake of the "King of Kings" in color (1961 or therabouts) had Jeffery Hunter - another blue-eyed blondish American leading man of the period.

"The Greatest Story Ever Told" Jesus was played by the Swede Max Von Sydow

"Jesus of Nazareth" has another blue-eyed guy (Robert Powell)

And just because the Democratic National Convention says it doesn't mean it's NOT true.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

Does it really matter what colour Jesus was, or what facial attributes he had. You must remember that the message of the Gospels is that anyone and anyone: no matter race or creed can achieve Heaven through Jesus, and that too not by "worshiping his face" but worshiping his Divinity and Holiness.

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

maybe from Pontius Pilate's report to Tiberius Caesar about the arrest, trial and crucifixion

more important than what he looked like should be the great commission he gave to his followers, namely to preach the gospel to all the world and that whosoever shall believe and be baptized shall be saved

doesn't have anything to do with skin colour

Where do you people get the "blue eyed" "blonde hair" Jesus stuff at?

hollywood and western church paintings

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